Halloween -Miss Manners style

Once a lady has procured her accoutrements for the evening festivities, she must confirm the agenda of her night with her companions.  This can be a somewhat tedious and diplomatic process.

Should one perhaps attend the dinner engagement on the north side of town that will be ripe with young gentlemen dressed as American Gladiators?  One's first reaction would be yes but careful investigation into photos of last year's engagement reveal mostly flaxen, stacked ladies dressed as slutty Pocahontas or Victoria Beckham.

Ah, it has become quite clear that this particular affair is what I would prudently label a "porn goggles" party. Everywhere you look, resembles a scene from a pornographic video usually with a five ladies to dude ratio and all of them scantily clad and ready to have relations on the coffee table.  This is a common occurrence when the hosts of said party are single males.

Certainly not a confidence booster whilest one is dressed as a prepubescent boy in an adult set of footed pajamas.   Perhaps the affair in the mission will be more promising. Let's assess:

Party of a close acquaintance?  Check.
In an easily accessible area?  Check.
Surrounded by equally entertaining places to hop (just in case)?  Check.
Good ratio of men to women (based on the invite list)?  Check.

I think we have an evening of it.


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