Keyboard Max Balloon Cat

This always happens.

Every year I say, "I'm not gonna do Halloween.  It is a reeediculous holiday." Then I congratulate myself on acting mature.  Then I buy myself a pot of nail polish or something that I equate with women of caliber such as Meryl Streep.  Then I am a frantic mess on October 30th.

This year will be different.  We are adults now.  I had major reconstructive surgery, been dumped twice, unemployed and poor, employed and rich (relatively).  That was a major slambang injection of adulthood and I plan on embracing it.  This year I am itinerizing my Halloween.

First, the costume:

Idea #1: Keyboard Cat - Grab a toy keyboard, a blue shirt and some cat ears.
Pros: culturally relevant, easy streets and funny
Cons: not wanting to lug keyboard around on dancefloor,

Idea #2: Balloon Boy - Also easy, just get helium mylar balloon at Safeway and tie to my waist.
Pros: easy, cheap, hyuk-hyuk funny
Cons: not that funny after family turned out to be whoring their plush child for media attention.

Idea #3: Max from Where the Wild Things Are - a major production.
Pros: really cute, warm and anti-strumpet costume
Cons: Need to sew a costume (which hasn't been done since grade school)

to be continued...


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