The old skool protein shake

This weekend, one of my co-workers invited me to a Critter Salon event called "Eat Bug Eat!" where I ate deep-fried wax moth caterpillars in creme fraiche and salsa verde.

It was pretty wicked to see them go from squirmy would-be sweater eaters to pizza toppings in under a minute.  They thrashed around, their heads bucking wildly back and forth as if to separate themselves from their bodies until they went limp.  THEN their bodies gradually popped and decompressed slightly.  Someone perked up and asked if they thought insects could feel pain with no basic nervous system etc.  I imagine that popping sound was their souls going to arthropod heaven.

They tasted subtle and nutty and heavily fried, as all things liberally doused in veggie oil a meaty corn nut, very crunchy and snackable.

I prefer to eat them without toppings due to their delicate flavor.  One runs the risk of overpowering them if one adds too many strong ingredients.

One of the salon members said they were often eaten live and gave me permission to try it out but I did not taste anything in particular.  It was gushy and popped in my mouth as a salmon egg might but there was no flavor.  I could have been chewing on a piece of notebook paper. 

Critter Salon offered several different types of caterpillars for tasting but they all tasted very similar.  I wished they had some grasshoppers or ant eggs or worm tequila shots or other to compare and contrast to the 'pillars'.


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