das Mutterland

I love Fridays. Small, mundane magic happens within the human brain when it anticipates freedom and people act out accordingly. They bring bagels to work and are nice and content in a way that no Tuesday can bring about.

During after work drinks, we started a happy dialogue about German as a presenting language. As certain fonts imply a tone of voice, certain languages should only be used to present certain products.

 For instance, Trajan's finality and somber tone reminds me of my father:     

And German should only be used for selling the following products:

I think Germany should export words and let other countries adopt them for our own purposes.  Their language says (and read this with a Schwarzenegger accent),"Do not bother with adjectives and articles.  Assonance or harmonious vowel sounds do not concern me. Just mash it together in a hearty word stew and serve it to ze people." 


Brustwarze - nipples or literally breast warts

Autoschlange - literally auto snake or a line of slowly moving cars.

Seelenchlo - literally soul toilet, a label for someone who has had a psychological dump taken in him/her.  Let's say some coworkers are standing around the water cooler and Alice says,"So my ex-boyfriend is dating my best friend." Congrats employees, you've all become seelenchos.

Beinbrechtreppe - literally bone breaking stairs, a particularly steep set of stairs.

cabelsalat - literally cable salad, that mess of cables behind your computer.

Oberammergaueralpenkraeuterdelikatessenfruehstueckskaese - Breakfast cheese (not kidding)